
Health-improving beverages for schoolchildren and students “Zimnyaya skazka”, “Leto Krasnoe”, “SokoVit”, and brew “Klassny”


The beverages are intended to make up the shortfall in macro- and micronutrients and provide multifunctional health-improving effect.


The series of beverages includes:
  • Dry tea beverage “Zimnyaya skazka is a powder of hibiscus, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, cardamom, coriander. The tea made turns deep red color, with a strong spicy flavor and spicy taste with refreshing acidity; when adding sugar or honey it reveals explicit warming properties and is very suitable for winter;
  • Dry tea beverage “Leto Krasnoe is powder made of apple pomace, hibiscus, black tea, fermented rye malt. The resulted tea turns red color with a light bread-and-apple flavor and apple flavor with a touch of acidity;
  • Dry tea beverages “Zimnyaya Skazka and “Leto Krasnoe are multicomponent powder-like bulk mixtures with a pleasant fragrance produced from natural herbal raw materials.
  • Bottled drink “SokoVit is a juice-containing transparent liquid from light brown to dark brown color with a pleasant fragrance and sour-sweet taste with a touch of cola;
  • Brew “Klassny is a non-transparent liquid from light brown to dark brown color with a pleasant fragrance of rye bread with a light spicy shade and sour-sweet taste. It is produced by fermentation of natural environmentally friendly herbal raw materials (brew wort concentrate, dried ginger, cinnamon, cloves).
  • The developed formulation and manufacturing technology allow maintaining of all useful natural ingredients, taste, color and smell of the raw materials and ensure a high level of bioavailability and digestibility of active ingredients of the final product.
The main advantages of the beverages:
  • no preservatives added;
  • significant degree of food and biological value;
  • high concentration of natural vitamin-mineral complexes and other biologically active substances;
  • maximum degree of assimilation;
  • pleasant organoleptic characteristics.


Food Industry

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