
Clathrates of cyclodextrin enriched with propolis, phenyipropanoides and omega-3,6,9 fatty acids obtained from fish and linseed oils, used in food industry and pharmaceutics


Clathrates are used in the production of fortified foods with specified properties. Required properties are obtained through the transformation of liquid, gaseous, hydrophobic compounds in powder form.


Clathrates are complexes in which the biologically active substances are incorporated into the hydrophobic cavity of cyclodextrin molecules.
As a result of the formation of nanoparticles of a cyclodextrin we observe:
• increase the water solubility of biologically active substances;
• changes in physical and chemical properties;
• increasing the stability of active ingredient and stability to UV radiation, temperature, etc.

• an increase in stability and bioavailability
• the possibility of accurate dosing and homogeneous distribution in the final product
• controlled release of the active ingredient nanoparticles
• increase the shelf life of the final product
• reduction of the active substance
• extension of time of action of drugs
• Environmental safety


Food, pharmaceuticals
