
Functional foods of herodietic specialization: complex enrichment mixtures Daŭhaĺieccie (Longevity)


Daŭhaĺieccie is complex enrichment mixtures intended for production of functional food (bakery and enriched flour) for elderly people.


The products based on complex enrichment mixtures Daŭhaĺieccie posses balanced vitamin-mineral and dietary fibers composition and have preventive general health-improving effect. They favour the prevention of untimely senility, prevent cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal tract abnormalities.

The “Daŭhaĺieccie-16 mixture consists of:
- tomato powder, which has an anti-oxidant action;
- vitamin-mineral premix ARBARVIT-2, enriched with B vitamins, including folic acid;
- extrusion-type barley flour.

Compositions of all the mixtures are science-based and have probative corroboration by undergoing biomedical tests.

Each mixture of Daŭhaĺieccie series has a State Registration of the Customs Union Certificate:
- Complex enrichment mixture “Daŭhaĺieccie-7 №BY.Е.010746.10.11, 20.10.2011;
- Complex enrichment mixture “Daŭhaĺieccie-10 №BY.Е.010747.10.11, 20.10.2011;
- Complex enrichment mixture “Daŭhaĺieccie-16 №BY.Е.010748.10.11, 20.10.2011;
- Complex enrichment mixture “Daŭhaĺieccie-18 №BY.Е.010749.10.11, 20.10.2011;
- Complex enrichment mixture “Daŭhaĺieccie-19 №BY.Е.010750.10.11, 20.10.2011;
- Complex enrichment mixture “Daŭhaĺieccie-20 №BY.Е.010752.10.11, 20.10.2011;
- Complex enrichment mixture “Juventa №BY.Е.010751.10.11, 20.10.2011.

Besides the mixtures production is waste-free and has no hazardous emission.

    P&D protection

    Unitary enterprise Unitechprom BSU possesses the normative documents
    package  for the complex enrichment mixtures of Daŭhaĺieccie series:

    - ТУ BY 190007888.020-2010 “Complex enrichment mixtures
    - ТР 190007888.100-2010 “Regulations for Complex enrichment
       mixtures   Manufacturing Processes
     - РЦ РБ 190007888.101-2010 “Complex enrichment mixtures

     Moreover Unitary enterprise Unitechprom BSU has developed a number
     of receipts of bakery products based on complex enrichment mixtures
     Daŭhaĺieccie,  in particular a receipt for “Consul bread based on
     Daŭhaĺieccie-16 mixture.


Food industry


Final product sale