
Technological process of production of fosfocreatine and a finished dosage form on its basis


The biotechnology of fosfocreatine substance production is used for manufacturing of the finished dosage form "Fosfocreatine lyophilizate".
This medical agent can be used in cardiac surgery and in therapy to improve the treatment of cardiac patients. The prospects of the development of production of cardioprotectors based on fosfocreatine substance are associated with the expansion of therapeutic indications not only in cardiology, but in neurology and sports medicine.

  • The medicinal agent "Fosfocreatine " refers to medications that improve myocardium and muscle tissue metabolism and has cardioprotective effect
  • "Fosfocreatine" is intended for treatment of acute myocardial infarction, chronic cardiac failure, intraoperative myocardial ischemia, intraoperative ishemia of limbs and acute strokes
  • It can be used in sports medicine for prevention of the physical overload syndrome and better adaptation to extreme physical exercises

Foreign analogues

"Fosfocreatine" surpasses its foreign analogue Neaton Alfa Wassermann (Italy) in terms of apyrogenicity, frequency and content of heavy metals and is considerably chipper.

  • Medicine
  • Sport medicine
  • Sanitation
Commercial offer
  • Sale of finished products
  • Sale of technology
  • Joint production