Reagents and medicaments, biotechnologies
- Medical products on the basis of modified polysaccharides (napkins, ointments, injections): technology of their manufacturing
- Technological process of production of growth additives for microbiological nutrient media (5 compositions)
- Technology of production of ophthalmic drug LAKEMOX
- Cardiotropic pharmacological action of substance NITARGALUM
- Technology of production of hepatoprotective flavolignans such as silibinin, silydianin and silychristine from Silybum
- Technological process of production of fosfocreatine and a finished dosage form on its basis
Physics and Chemistry
- Technological Innovation for the Regenerated Cellulose Fibres Production without Using Carbon Disulfide
- Technology of stator winding removal with hydrolytic method
- Metalloptics elements for laser physics and optoelectronics
- Multi-purpose low-combustible heat-insulting composite material based on polyurethane foam
- New phosphate binding compositions (PBC)
Agriculture, food and processing industry
- Biotechnology of receiving of the hypoallergenic dairy foods
- Technology of microwave soil sterilization
- Microwave pre-seeding treatment of vegetable, grain crops flax, conifer
- Biodegradable fibrous casing based on cellulose and chitosan
- Edible biodegradable films
- Technology of pre-sowing treatment of maize seeds by electromagnetic field of microwave range