

Software for design of orthodontic appliances for upper jaw bone expansion ORTHODONIC APPLIANCE MODELER

The software is intended for the generation of three-dimensional solid models of orthodontic appliances “Hyrax


The software package for assessment of the strength characteristics of human long bones after sectoral resection

The software is intended for assessment of strength reduction of human long bones after sectoral resection and for the generation of the indications for the use of various methods of compensation.


GENEEXPRESSIONANALYSER software for modeling and analysis of DNA microchips data

The software package was designed for:

  • automation of procedures of DNA microchips data processing;
  • efficient analyses;
  • educational and research activities.


Software package ORFhunteR for automatic determination of open reading frames in human RNA molecules

It enables to automate the procedure of genomic data processing, reduce costs for research and interpretation of the results of the experimental data analysis.


Modeling the stress-strain state of the biomechanical system titanium plate-bone tissue

The developed models are designed to predict the dynamic stress-strain state of the plate – bone biomechanical system
