
Geology and geographic information systems

Integrated program complex on base on MiningManager for oil industry applications

MiningManager is integrated software for geological, geophysical and engineering data management, visualization and analysis for oil and gas industry. MiningManager has integrated tools for the creation (import) of geological models of oilfield, mathematical simulation of three-dimensional oil extraction process from inhomogeneous porous media (Backley-Leverett model), 2/3D visualization of the results of numerical simulations and factual extraction data. These functionalities are used for solving of operative problems to speed the process of decision making.


Corporate computer-aided system of mining planning, control and maintenance

Automation of the whole spectrum of graphical and accountability works of the specialists involved in design, surveyor and geological departments of a mining enterprise with bedded minerals.


Integrated software to model and maintain processes of commercial oil and gas production

Automation of the whole spectrum of graphical and accountability works of the specialists involved in design, surveyor and geological departments of oil and gas production enterprise.


Integrated program complex for calculation and visualization of forest fires' dynamics

Automation of a wide range of works on preparation of input data and obtaining forecast scenarios for forest fires to make decisions on the prevention and elimination of emergency situations.


Complex of intelligent computer programs for modeling and testing of methods of oil recovery increase GeoDatabase

Complex toolkit enables to model fluids filtering in rock masses, visualize geology aspects, evaluate local reservoir properties of strata. It also allows thematic map generation , provides creation of permanent models of oil deposits.


System of regional geomechanical monitoring.

The system of regional geomechanical monitoring (SRGM) is determined as automated computer information-measuring and analytical system of control (continuous, periodic, given), diagnostics, modelling and forecast of geomechanical and connected with it mine-ecological state of underground and surface space of ecosystem in region of large-scale underground mining work proceeding.


Information resource for environmental monitoring

The resource is intended for systematization and comprehensive presentation of statistical data on the environment
