Medical equipment for induced hyperthermia Ptich-M
The equipment is intended for multicomponent treatment of common and generalized forms of malignant tumors by whole-body hyperthermia sessions.
The essence of the therapeutic technique consists in conducting a session (2-3 hours) of gradual heating of a patient's body to critical temperatures (40-43°C) and simultaneous exposure to a certain chemotherapy complex under general anesthesia.
Medical equipment PTICH-M provides:
The equipment is intended for multicomponent treatment of common and generalized forms of malignant tumors by whole-body hyperthermia sessions.
The essence of the therapeutic technique consists in conducting a session (2-3 hours) of gradual heating of a patient's body to critical temperatures (40-43°C) and simultaneous exposure to a certain chemotherapy complex under general anesthesia.
Medical equipment PTICH-M provides:
- heating of the patient’s body due to the impact of high-frequency electromagnetic energy (13.56 MHz);
- reliable and accurate control of the temperature profile of the procedure;
- forced thermohydraulic cooling of the most critical areas of the patient's body (head, spinal cord).
- Reliable automatic and manual control of all modes of the medical equipment;
- Continuous indication of parameters relevant for medical staff;
- Generation and documentation of detailed reports on carried out procedures.
- Destruction of tumor cells by heating in indicated temperature ranges;
- Enhancement of the antitumor effect and reduction of nephrotoxicity, cardiotoxicity and hepatotoxicity of chemotherapy agents;
- Whole-body hyperthermia is the method to choose when planning neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with disseminated tumors (colorectal cancer, etc.);
- In patients with regional cancer, especially breast cancer, sarcoma, ovarian and renal carcinoma, etc., 1-2 sessions of whole-body hyperthermia allow to reduce their size and conduct surgery.
Therapeutic techniques - Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus.
Hyperthermal computerized equipment PTICH-M is included into the Register of medical equipment and products of the Republic of Belarus (registration №МT-7.118960-1605).
Hyperthermal computerized equipment PTICH-M is included into the Register of medical equipment and products of the Republic of Belarus (registration №МT-7.118960-1605).