
Modular spectrometric complex for educational and scientific purposes


Spectral analysis of the various sources of radiation. Operational control of the lasing tunable lasers wavelength


Designed as a monoblock, which includes a polychromator constructed from the original optical scheme, a position-sensitive detector and recording system connected to a PC via USB-port.

Optomechanical scheme

Relative aperture (effective) 1:3,3
Focal Length of  
chamber 50 mm
Radiation input determined by optical fiber
Workspace 400 – 1100 nm
Diffraction grating 600 shtr/mm, максимум отражения 650 nm
Linear dispersion (average) 22 nm/mm
Spectral resolution 1,6 nm –for dV – 20µ m
6 nm –for dV – 200 µm
Spectral interval per pixel 0,08 nm
Photodetector CCD array Element size
Elements count 3648
Element size 8*200 µm
The length of the sensitive area 29 mm
Sensitivity 160 V/lux*s
Dark signal 0,2 mV
Saturation level 0,004 lux*s
Registration system 12-bit ADC
Signal acquisition time from10 ms (upper limit is determined by temperature)
Power From a PC via USB port
Mean time between failures
At least 500 hours
Average service life At least 5 years


• a real-time registration, 32 bit
• Windows 9x/2000/XP

Modes of operation
With dark signal subtraction
Averaged over a specified number of measurements

Scan modes

A predetermined amount of cycles
• Wavelength calibration
• Programmatically set calibration
• User calibration

• medicine
• Ecology
• Chemical industry
• Food and Beverage

Forms of cooperation

made to order