
Automated ultra-violet solar spectrometer - ozonometer PION

The device for measurement of the general content of ozone in the atmosphere (GCO) based on registration of the ultra-violet sunlight reaching the Earth surface in a spectral range of 295-320 nanometers.

Works in an automatic mode with high speed of measurements and data processing (up to 1000 measurements GСО a day). The device has a portable design, the big set of appendices for measurement in a UV range, multiwave design procedure GСО (20 lengths of waves in an interval of 295-317 nanometers). Enables measurements of spectral distribution of a direct sunlight in a range of 295-320 nanometers, and also measurements of GСО at small angles of the Sun above the horizon (about 8 degrees.)

Error of measurement of the general content of ozone ±2%
Working spectral range 295-320 nanometers
Spectral resolution 0,35 nanometers
Error of a binding on lengths of waves 0.01 nanometers
Dynamic range of measurement of entrance signals 104
Nonlinearity of factor of transfer of electronic path 0,5 %
Time of registration of all spectrum 30 sec
Time of measurement of the general content of ozone 5-10 sec
Interface RS232C
Range of working temperatures -20- + 40 degrees centigrade
Power consumption 50 watt

Monitoring of the ozone layer, scientific researches in the field of atmosphere optics, double purpose.

Foreign analogues
Spectrophotometerss by Dobson and Brewer

Key words
Ozonometer; the general content of ozone in the atmosphere

Condition of production
Made to order

Copyright protection
IC № 1516999 with a priority of 4.12.1987, IC № 1517000 with a priority of 4.12.198