
System of modules and software to make photometric measurement equipment


Photometric system is designed to register optical signals and operates both in current and counting modes . It can register feasible signals

The system includes separate modules on the basis of expansion cards.

The basic configuration includes:
  • СчетчPhoton counter
  • Amplifier-discriminator FEU-100, analog and complementing output
  • High-voltage power supply
  • Analog and digital signals input-output
  • Softwareмное обеспечение
  1. The photon counter LPG20C (2 channels 200 MHz, RAM 32 К, PCI) is operating in combination with IВМ РС on PCI bus and is a two-channel recorder of logical signals with time resolution and hardware assemblage. It enables to make measurements in time resolutions from fractions of microseconds to minutes
  2. The high-voltage power supply (LHv2K5i5m0, 2500 Вольт, 5 mА) feeds FEU operating in both current and counting modes. The power supply is noted for its compactness and can be controlled by a PC enabling to automate equipment calibrations and making measurements.
  3. Analog-digital signals input-output device (LP30M12, 2 channels ADC 30 MHz, 12 Bt, RAM 64 K, PCI LP50k12 and other modifications) operates in combination with IВМ РС, having free slots on PCI bus. The total numbers of boards is restricted only by the PC capacity and availability of free slots.
Form of cooperation
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