
Optical route measuring instrument for concentration of surface ozone Trio - 1

The device for periodic measurements of an average concentration of surface ozone on a working length at height of 3-10 above the ground surface. Works in an automatic mode. The measuring instrument represents stationary installation of a laboratory type

Range of measured concentration Not less than 5-200 ppb (ppb-quantity of molecules of ozone per billion molecules of air)
Absolute error of measurements No more than 5 ppb
Time of one measurement No more than 5 mines
Time of a measuring instrument availability for operating conditions No more than 10 mines
The measuring instrument supports continuous work within 8 hours
The measuring instrument can be used under the following conditions:
Temperature of air +10°С+40°С
Relative humidity Up to 95 %
Atmospheric pressure 750±30 mm/mercury column.
Power consumed (alternating current 220±22 V) No more than 250 W
Weight of the measuring instrument No more than 210 kg

For carrying out measurements of concentration of surface ozone the "working" line of the measuring instrument which is defined by the distance between a source of probing radiation and a returnable mirror is to be created. This distance for the measuring instrument Trio - 1 constitutes 50x70 m. Registration of measured optical signals is carried out in UV range of the

  • Monitoring concentration of ground ozone
  • Scientific research in the field of atmosphere physics
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