Integrated circuits
Specific integrated circuits for gas-filled particle detectors Ampl-8.3 and Disc-8.3
Integrated circuits (IC) are developed for gas wire detectors used in high-energy physics experiments with use of bipolar technology.
Specialized integrated circuits for PARTICLE AND ionizing compounds detectors - CATHOD, ANOD, TETROD, ВМК-LW-1, AnMem
Specialized integrated circuits are intended for portable equipment for particles and radiations detecting, for formations of time binding in systems of primary data processing and other purposes.
Set of electronic devices based on semicustom integrated systems for recording of pulse low-level visible radiation POLOSA
The set is designed for detecting signals from multypixel avalanche photodiodes of MAPD-1 type, which are used as photodetectors of scintillation detectors in hodoscopic systems.