
Automatic control system for technological processes of gas carburizing


The automatic control system (ACS) for technological processes of gas carburizing is intended for monitoring and control of technological processes of gas carburizing and carbonitriding of metals.


The system allows the operator to monitor and control the composition of the furnace atmosphere by carbon potential value in the range of 0.1-1.4% with the accuracy up to 0.01%. The system was designed both for installation into new thermal equipment, and for modernization of equipment in service. The ACS construction principle allows customizing the system to concrete tasks, thus, it can be adapted to any type and number of thermal equipment.

The ACS has a three-level model of construction:
  • The lower level contains the output/input subsystem consisting of hardware output/input modules. The output/input modules are connected to temperature and gas sensors. The signals from the sensors are transmitted in digital form to the controller. The input/output subsystem also operates in the opposite direction. When the sub-system receives a command from the controller, the output/input subsystem transmits signals to the respective execution units - the gas electro-valves or gas controllers that are connected to the output/input subsystem.
  • The middle level includes industrial controller ADAM 5510M with a set of multi-channel input-output modules for connection with sensors and execution units of the lower level devices.
  • The upper level consists of the operator panel located on the front panel of the assembly board.

  The ACS developed allows to upgrade the exploited thermal equipment. The introduction of the ACS reduces the duration of the heat treatment process and energy consumption, improves product quality and increases productivity.

The main advantages of the ACS over its analogues

Instead of the oxygen sensor the ACS is equipped with high-tech non-dispersive infrared gas-analysis modules, the so-called NDIR-modules, which determine simultaneously three gas components of the furnace atmosphere: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane. On the basis of this information as well as the furnace atmosphere temperature in the ACS the carbon potential is calculated, which shows the quality of the furnace atmosphere. Due to the fact that the furnace atmosphere analysis is performed by gas sampling by the microcompressor, the installation of the gas samples commutator allows to analyze and control the furnace atmosphere of several objects.

  • Metallurgy
Commercial offer
  • Joint-production
  • Joint research
  • Development of automated control systems according to specific customer requirements