Environment monitoring
- Automated twenty-four-hour IR TV remote system for landscape fires detection and ecological monitoring
- Multichannel system to control radiation environment on large radiation hazardous or radiation sensible objects and territories
- Airborne hardware-software system for on-line remote monitoring of FORESTS - VSK-2
- Aircraft control system to view the situation in the areas of emergency AСS -SOS
- Photospectral system FSS
- Spectrometric complex SFK
- Installation for the automated measurement of total nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere on the basis of a monochromator
- Video spectral system VSS for space experiments
- Hardware-software complex CALIBROVKA for flight calibration of satellite survey systems
- University Nanosatellite
- Small-size satellite modular hyperspectrometer of the visible and near-IR range Hyperspectr
- Modular complex for multispectral imaging Multiscan
Industrial process management and control
- Automatic system to control machinery parts chemical and thermal processing - TERMOSTIEL
- The system of early warning and alarm on emergencies at chemically hazardous industries
- Manufacturing procedure computer-aided system in pulp and paper, textile and chemical industries AKVAR
- Flight data processing automated system - DVINA-M
- Mobile system of flight data processing DVINA-P
- Automatic control system for technological processes of gas carburizing
Data protection
- Group of hardware-software devices for random number sequences generation – Klutch
- Hardware and software complex of cryptographic information protection and control of access to PC, HSC KRIPTOZAMOK
- A set of digital diagnostics to evaluate the readings of protection holographic elements
- Software complex for fast multiplication and exponentiation over large modules using minimally redundant modular Montgomery scheme for cryptosystems
- Hardware-software complex "Podpis"